Manuel Häußler

Hello, my name is Manuel Häußler and I am 36 years old.

Since 2014, I have been working in the Würzburg restaurant business with my buddy, Steffen Jakel. We are the founders and managers of the two Veggie Bros restaurants (

My wife's job took me abroad a few years ago and so we lived in Bangladesh from 2019 to 2021 and are currently living in Nairobi, Kenya. In Bangladesh, I started working for street children through a local organisation. In 2020, I founded the non-profit association Give One Back e.V. with my business partner and some friends (www.giveoneback.deto further intensify this commitment. Especially in times of Corona, we were keen to set a positive sign for humanity and solidarity, and to stand up for people who are all the more forgotten in times of crisis. With the "Aktion Weihnachtseuro" ( we have launched a fundraising initiative with which we collect donations for our projects every year during the Christmas season in the gastronomy.

Through my experience on the ground and my close contacts to the local partner organisations, I coordinate the projects for THE HELPING PEOPLE in Bangladesh and in Kenya.

Through my involvement with THE HELPING PEOPLE, I want to give a voice to people who are otherwise not heard and contribute to a world we want to live in. A world with less suffering and equal opportunities.

Manuel Häußler