Marian Wurm


I am Marian Wurm and founder and board member of the HELPING PEOPLE Foundation.

Vor meinem Start in dieser wunderbaren Stiftung habe ich 15 Jahre die Löwenstark Digital Group GmbH mit 200 Mitarbeitern und 7 spezialisierten Firmen im Bereich Online-Marketing und Web-Development aufgebaut.

Im April 2021 habe ich, nach einem intensiven Auswahlprozess, den Großteil meiner Anteile an zwei partnerschaftliche Investoren (Hannover Finanz GmbH & Arcus Capital AG) verkauft, um mich Full-Time um THE HELPING PEOPLE zu kümmern.

During my time as CEO of Löwenstark, my wife Judith and I made various donations to Médecins Sans Frontières (including for emergency humanitarian aid projects in Rohingya, Somalia) totalling €61,110.

As part of the corporate transaction, we were again able to donate a large amount to Doctors Without Borders for Yemen (expansion of a hospital) and Central Africa in May 2021.

After the donation, Judith and I experienced a lot of encouragement from our network and received concrete promises of donations, which also motivated us to found THE HELPING PEOPLE and, in addition to our own donations, to finance the structure on an ongoing basis.

The opportunity to do something good with other people and to give something back motivates us in our work every day.

In my private life, I am a happy father of 2, a keen traveller, a sociable pleasure-seeker, a sports enthusiast and very grateful for the privileged life we are allowed to lead.

Marian Wurm Detail